waking up stoned


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howdyhey people this page has tons of forms, advice thingies and the lot.. if anything it will keep you entertained for a half hour. that is unless you have ADD. but even then, enjoy!

hey people below is the form where you voice your opinion on what would make Waking Up Stoned a better site. you can say anything you think would make it better. but remember this: i have a very *small* social life so if anything, your ideas will be taken into action immediatly. unless for some odd reason my computer crashes and i go on a killing rampage. but hey, here at Waking Up Stoned we want to here what you have to say.. well on a good day.

age you are
your e-mail
your webpage URL
ideas for a better site

hey and here is proof that those of us at Waking Up Stoned care! we want to know about you. fill in the form below, and hey you could be considered a winner! what you win is a secret, and since you dont know you have no reason not to fill this out.

Who are you(name/nickname)?
How old are you?
How did you get here?
Why are you here?
What do you think of school?
What's your e-mail?
Favorite food?
What is your gender? (O.o)
Do I know you?
Name ten of your favorite bands:
Last of all, how are you today/tonight/this morning?


Speak Yo Mind

here is were you have the ability to speak your mind on anything in the fallowing subjects. just e-mail me with your stuff and ill post it. i check my mail everyday soo its bound to be put up as soon as i get it. you can rant, bitch, and even make fun of people you hate. fun eh?
bitch about V-Day/Heartbreaker Day:
v-day sucks. its so commercialized. the whole point they make it seem is to buy that "special someone" shit. theyve taken the love out of valentines day! christ it makes me sick ~gags~ whoever thought it up was retarded.
talk about school/hell:
did you hear all those people booing mr bartz when he was bowling? OMG! that was awesome. and i can tell you something, i sure as hell was one of those people. -arora
make fun of the people you hate:
waiting for something...
talk about the best thing in the world; MUSIC:
waiting for something....
uhhh.. just bitch here i guess.
still waiting for something.....

below is the form you fill out to get it posted above. soo go fill it out.

what is your name/nickname?
which of the fallowing is it: v-day, music, school, critisism, other
place your comments/rants here:

need some advice? have a problem and need some help? fill in the form below and we will give you some advice. if you leave name or nickname ill post it up here and put "to so and so" and then put my advice. also, by posted or not posted means you can choose to have your question/problem posted up on the site or not. its all up to you.

age you are
posted or not posted?
what is your problem?

here are the polls people. TAKE THEM OR ELSE!!!