waking up stoned

for the dark ones

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this is for youthis page is for all the goth/emo kids out there. i feel your pain dudes, and this page is for you.



Did you know ever 18 minutes someone in the United States commits suicide?
Did you know every 7 minutes someone contemplates the thought of suicide?
Did you know ever 5 minutes someone cuts themselves?

  • Bipolar=Bipolar disorder used to be called manic depression. A person with bipolar disorder can swing from extreme mood states of invinible elations to paralysing despair and back again. This psychiatric illness can be mild, moderate, or sever. During the manic phace, the person is optimistic and buoyed by exaggerated feelings of wellbeing. Their minds are overactive and they need very little sleep, but, while they have plenty of energy, they lack concentration. Work and study may suffer. During the depressive phase, the person feels despairing and may contemplate suicide.
  • Bipolar Type 2=Bipolar 2 disorder involves the cyclical alternation of major depressive periods with periods of hypomania. Hypomania is a state of elevated engery and/or mood, but is not manic like Bipolar 1 patients. They may cut themselves to relieve emotional pain, but do not often become delusional or require hospitalization such as the Bipolar 1 patient.
  • Cyclothymic Disorder= characterised by mild and alternating mood swings of depression that are not debilitating enough to motivate a person to seek medical help. The periods of elation and depression can each last for lengthy periods, such as a few months. Often, a person with Cyclothymic disorder has a relative Bipolar disorder, or they may themselves develope Bipolar disorder.
  • Dysthymic Disorder= Defined as long-term depression that affects a person's quality of life, but not their ability to participate in usual work, family and social activites. The person may expierence fatigue, sleeping and eating problems, and be plagued by low self-esteem, guilt and negative thinking. Cognitive difficulties include concentration and memory problems.
  • Major Depression= A person suffering from Major Depression experiences the general symptons listed for depression to their extreme, and these severly impact on their daily lives. Feelings of despair and hopelessness are pervasive, energy levels are extremely low and there is little motivation to do even the simples of daily tasks. Hypersensitivity, paranoia, low self-esteem and suicidal thoughts are all common symptoms of Major Depression. It is important to get immediate help before suicidal thoughts become intentions.
  • Psychotic Depression= Approximately 15 percent of people who suffer from Major Depression also show symptoms of Psychotic Depression. These symptoms include hearing voices inside ones head, having visions of people or things that are not actually there, and delusional thinking. People who suffer from this extreme form of Major Depression cannot rationally judge the consequences of their actions, they are in serious danger of killing themselves.
  • Atypical Depression= Common in women. The feeling of depression will get better for a period and then worsen again. The symptoms sleeping and eating problems, hypersensitivity to rejection (especially romantic rejection), and the intermittent panic attacks, are characteristic of atypical depression. This type of depression usually begins in adolescence and, if untreated, will often continue throughout life.

No More God
-by me

what do we have here?
a satanist in our mists?
lets skin and kill it,
lets bend its body in unhuman twists.

twists like the end of a nott?
we're hid the body in the back,
watching as it rotts.

rotts like a firefly in the night?
i can see you now, running away,
running away from fright.

well what scares you so?
the thoughts of your parents,
being burried in the snow.

so white and clear you mean?
so beautiful so cold,
so wonderful when blooded clean.

clean as my dreams?
listen hear and your hear them,
hear my bloody screams.

screams that fill my dreams of doom?
causing cops to come,
and look for the bodie in my room.

room in where?
where the bodies hide,
way deep under there.

i killed you im so sorry.
but how good it feels to take your last breath.
to yet give life,
and yet be death.

Silent Scream
this is for my ex Graham. i write this when he finally started to tell me how dead he felt inside..

another day passes him by,
as another person he loves begins to die.
the elders look at him and call him a child,
while he looks at them and call them the ancients.
they have seen death and looked it in the eye,
and yet they are still alive.

another day passes the man looking out the door,
waiting for life to give him more.
he waits for the woman in black to come and save his life,
for she is the one thing he loves, she is his whole life.

as he sits by the window and remembers the good days,
the way he used to be happy but now lives his life gray.
watching black and white movies through the sun sets passed,
catching the black clouds with the shadows that they cast.

he is alone in this world of wonder,
his soul dies and screams for hunger.
and as the night moves on his love is dead,
because she shot herself in the head.

he curses god for doing these things to him all while,
and even he calls him self a child.
thats what he is for he is only fourteen,
and already wants to end his life of misery.

but he lives on each day pretending to be okay,
while his life has turned a pale gray.
he is a god, a god of sorrow,
his only point of living is tomorrow.

but he is a god through my eyes,
and i can only wish i never see him cry.
his life may be gray and colored in smoke,
his life may be growing and causing him to choke.

but he is a god through my eyes,
and i only wish he wasnt so dead inside.

Layout and Image: My.Layouts

this is by my friend Joe. his writing is really powerful and full of feeling.. the only thing i can say is that i hope you enjoy it even though it is like so goth. lol


We are born defective
Our systems failing
All our cells doomed
by genetic flaws
which Nature decreed
we must carry for life

All mortal flesh dies
Subject to failure
The blood thickens,
it slowly solidifes
Your nerves shall shrivel -
and die!

To gain mastery
over this puny world
we must react
our weak mortal flesh
into living machines

Rip it off!
Burn it through!
Tear it down!
And start anew!

Thus begins
The Grand Evolution!

Now, smash the defective!
We must cleanse the species!
Our weakness must be excised
so that our might will live!

Find the weak,
seek out the defective,
seize the sickly,
and rend them apart,
Flesh from bone!

Yes, this our quest!
Perfection of our flesh!
If the limb is wounded,
it must be defective!

So rip it off!
Burn it through now!
You must tear it down,
and start it anew!

If sickness claims you,
your flesh must be imperfect
Disease only takes
those who are less
than our goal of Perfection!

Our species is our body
Your weakness becoming ours
We have claimed your strength,
but shall excise your weakness!

You are but a limb of our body
And you dare to show weakness
If the limb is less than perfect,
It is defective! We must scrap it,
and start it anew!

Rip it off! This mortal flesh
Burn it through! Only bone and sinew
Tear it down! Flesh from bone
Start it anew! begin within a metal womb

The foundation is strong
But the structure is weak
To reach perfection
we must tear it down
And build it anew!

Now comes your turn!
Rip it off!
Burn it through!
Tear it down!
And start it... Anew!

Thus we begin
The Grand Evolution!